Children of the Mist – 2021

First collaboration with the young Vietnamese director Ha Le Diem.
Diem shot this beautiful documentary, alone with her camera and a simple Neumann KMR 81 attached to the camera.
With Hoang Thu Thuy, we worked as “Sound supervisors” for both filming and Post-production. It was an opportunity to work once again with Akritcharlem Kalayanamitr.
This film having received Purin support.


Di is a 12-year-old girl from the mist-shrouded mountains of northern Vietnam. She belongs to the Hmong, an ethnic minority in which girls get married at a very young age. This is often preceded by a controversial “bride-kidnapping,” where the girl is abducted by her future husband on Lunar New Year Celebration. Negotiations between the families follow.

This also happened to Di’s sister and their mother, so it doesn’t seem strange that in preparation the women and girls discuss sex and married life without embarrassment. But Di also goes to school, where she learns very different values. And in her own way, even Di’s mother tries to warn her daughter about child marriage.

Director Diem Ha Le tells a story about the clash between ancient customs and modern values, in a place where children from a traditional culture also have access to the outside world. Her first full-length documentary is a moving film about the challenges faced by a young Hmong girl, but above all is about a teenager with a strong character, and who is not.

Technical Specs – IMDB

Documentary – 1h30 – Color – Vietnam

Director : Ha Le Diem
Producers : Varan Vietnam – Swann Dubus – Tran Phuong Thao
DOP & sound : Ha Le Diem
Editor : Swann Dubus
Sound Supervisor : Arnaud Soulier – Hoang Thu Thy
Mixer : Akritcharlem Kalayanamitr

Selections et Awards – IMDB

Release dates – IMDB

Poster Children of the mist