Week of Sound – Hanoi – 2016

Graphic design : Marianne Smolska

The week of sound, took place from October 24 to 29, 2016 at the French Cultural Center of Hanoi – L’Espace.


years. Each of them takes different forms but converges towards the same goal: to create events in order to introduce the public to a better knowledge of sound. The challenge is to make all stakeholders in society aware of the importance of the quality of the sound environment but also to contribute to the development of listening, a sense that generates emotions.

Why organize a sound week in Hanoi?

Vietnam is a very “sound” country and probably one of the most noisy to the world. In this chaos of sounds, we discover, for those who learn to listen to it, an incredible richness of sound. When we get down to work here with sound, we quickly realize that the task is difficult. Thus, filmmakers, radio and television people, musicians, are all confronted during their work with the difficulties linked to this particularly difficult sound universe. As for the inhabitants, many of them seem to ignore this chaos by adopting a surprisingly distanced behavior with this cacophonous environment. Either some seem not to hear, or others add to the already substantial volume a little more chaos using a walking karaoke or a circular saw. It is therefore the “ideal” place to offer a week of sound: to face this sound monster and learn to listen to it. To abstract oneself from it, during this week, so that everyone can rediscover their own auditory system, vector of emotions and sensations.

During this week, I invite you to travel to the land of sounds with Daniel Deshays, one of the great French sound engineers who will give us the sound keys to cinema with the work of Jacques Tati, Jean-Luc Godard or Alain Cavalier among other things. This adventure will continue with the presentation of a very beautiful sound work carried out by young Vietnamese, film students. And will end with a Franco-Vietnamese cine-concert on a major work of Japanese silent cinema, A page of Madness.

Arnaud Soulier
Designer and Coordinator